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Published: 2024-01-22 by, News Team

New Australian Study Finds Child Maltreatment Prevalent in LGBTQ+ Community

A recent extensive study in Australia has provided a comprehensive snapshot of diverse sexualities, revealing that 9.5% of Australians do not identify as heterosexual, with the figure rising to 18.9% among 16- to 24-year-olds. However, the research also highlights alarming rates of maltreatment among LGBTQ Australians, with over three-quarters of queer young people reporting abuse from parents or authority figures.

Conducted by academics from various universities, the study indicates that 0.9% of Australians identify as gender diverse or transgender, increasing to 2.3% among 16- to 24-year-olds. Nearly 20% of individuals in this age group do not identify as straight, with 17.7% identifying as gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, or rejecting labels. The report underscores that Australians with diverse sexualities or genders are three times more likely to experience maltreatment than their male heterosexual peers, primarily from their families.

Led by Professor Daryl Higgins, the study draws on the 2021 Australian Child Maltreatment Study, the largest known survey of Australian sexuality. It reveals a strong link between diverse identities and various forms of child maltreatment, contributing to health disparities, including mental health challenges.

For Australians aged 16 to 24 identifying as gender diverse, 90.5% reported maltreatment, predominantly emotional abuse and exposure to domestic abuse. Dr. Paula Fernandez Arias of queerspace emphasized the study's importance and the need for targeted support for gender and sexuality diverse youth.

Equality Australia CEO Anna Brown urged governments to address the high rates of harm faced by LGBTQ+ young people, emphasizing the need for safe environments in homes, schools, and support services. Efforts to close discrimination loopholes, especially in religious schools and faith-based services, were emphasized.

A Victorian government spokesperson highlighted ongoing initiatives to support LGBTQIA+ communities, including dedicated spaces, mental health initiatives, and events celebrating diversity.

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